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Population and community ecology (Po Co Eco) lab

Research group of Saskya van Nouhuys, Centre for Ecological Sciences, IISc, Bangalore, India

Highlights from Recent Work

Strong direct and indirect interactions between species impact the performance of individuals. However, their impact is mostly swamped out by spatial and temporal variation of host plant quality.

We assessed the potential long term and landscape-level effects of plant-pathogen herbivore-parasitoid interactions on their dynamics. We found that while there are strong and weak interactions between species, most are swamped out by spatial and temporal variation of host plant quality.
Opedal, Ø., Ovaskainen, O., Saastamoinen, M., Laine, A-L., van Nouhuys, S. (2020) Host plant availability drives the spatio-temporal dynamics of interacting metapopulations across a fragmented landscape. Ecology, 101(12):e03186. 10.1002/ecy.3186

Higher trophic level species, such as parasitoids, only persist in habitat patch networks with a high host occupancy

Wang, S., Brose, U., van Nouhuys, S., Holt, R. D. and Loreau, M. 2021 Metapopulation capacity determines food chain length in fragmented landscapes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118, e2102733118.

Long term population genetic structure of interacting species

The genetic signature of introduced parasitoid wasp lineages gives us a window into what has happened in an island archipelago over the 25 years since their accidental introduction, including persistence through population bottlenecks, dispersal and interbreeding, as well as sorting among lineages depending on interaction between a hyperparasitoid and bacterial symbiont.

@duplouy_anne @abhevo @Saskyavn @ParasitoidEcol. This was one of most downloaded papers in Molecular Ecology in 2021! See the press release in English or in Swedish, and the article about it in The Guardian

The article:
Duplouy A., Nair A., Nyman T., and van Nouhuys S. (2021). Long-term spatio-temporal genetic structure of an accidental parasitoid introduction, and local changes in prevalence of its associated Wolbachia symbiont. Molecular Ecology. doi: 10.1111/mec.16065

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