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Talks at conferences, workshops, symposia

(Single author unless noted. If multi-authored, then the underlined author made the presentation)

Jan. 2025. ICBHN 2025-Biosciences for Harmony with Nature, Abeda Inamdar Senior College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Pune, India. Keynote speaker 

Jan. 2025. National Conference on Pollinators for Food Security, Central University of Kerala. Keynote speaker “Ecological and evolutionary interactions of Wolbachia and their hosts”

Oct 2024. Third Indian Society of Evolutionary Biologists (ISEB5): Bridging Generations: Celebrating evolutionary science. Invited speaker “The pattern of checkerspot butterfly-parasitoid-Wolbachia diversity: co-evolution or co-habitation?”

July 2024. Third International Congress of Evolutionary Biology, Montreal, Canada “The microbiota composition of an insect community is explained by species and seasonality but not habitat disturbance” Camila S. Beraldo, Mateusz Buczek, Diego C. Franco, Piotr Łukasik, Saskya van Nouhuys, Anne Duplouy

June 2024. Third International Congress of Biological Control San José, Costa Rica. Invited speaker “Dynamic economic thresholds for insecticide applications against agricultural pests: Importance of pest and natural enemy migration” Tamar Keasar, Eric Wajnberg, George Heimpel, Ian C. W. Hardy, Liora Shaltiel Harpaz, Daphna Gottlieb, Saskya van Nouhuys

May 2024. Atria University symposium on species interaction, genetic legacy, & biogeography, Bangalore, India. Invited speaker “Using ecological theory for biological control of insect pests.”

July 2023. International Conferences on the Biology of Butterflies, Prague Czech Republic, Invited speaker “The roles of parasitoids in butterfly communities.”

June 2023. conference on Mathematical Modelling of Biological Control Interaction to Support Agriculture and Conservation, Jerusalem, Israel

February 2023 ″Introduction to Ecology” as part of a four day workshop titled Inclusive Ecology at the Centre for Ecological Sciences, IISc, Bangalore. The workshop introduced Indian students from under-represented groups to broad concepts and approaches in the fields of Ecology, Evolution, Behaviour, Conservation, and Quantitative Thinking, and to the practicalities of graduate school.

July 2022 International Congress of Entomology, Helsinki, FI. Invited Speaker “Host plant availability drives the spatio-temporal dynamics of interacting metapopulations across a fragmented landscape.” S. van Nouhuys and O. H. Opedal.

June 21st 2022 conference on Ecological Theory for Biological control and Conservation. IIAS, Jerusalem, Israel. Invited Speaker “Parasitoid-host population dynamics in natural vs agricultural systems”

June 1st 2022 Merav Ziv Symposium on Behavioral Ecology, Sede Boqer, Israel “Individual restraint by a parasitoid wasp foraging in a natural habitat isn’t influenced by resource competition”

Jan. 24th 2022 FIFTH BANGALORE SCHOOL ON POPULATION GENETICS AND EVOLUTION (HYBRID), Bangalore, India. Invited speaker. “Spatio-temporal dynamics of interacting species across a fragmented and changing landscape”
Video on youtube

October 2021 4th Symposium for Molecular Ecology and Evolution in Finland “Phylosymbiosis informs the importance of the microbiome in Lepidoptera.” C. Souza Beraldo, V. Lukhtanov, T. Tammaru, Z Faltýnek Fric, D. Avtziz, H. Schuler, S. Rytteri, C. Stefanescu, S. Bonelli, I. Piccini, Y. Chittaro, M. C. Singer, N. Wahlberg, S. van Nouhuys, A. Duplouy

Nov. 2018 Entomological Society of America, Vancouver, CA. “Fungal Entomopathogen Dominant Among Gypsy Moth Natural Enemies” in  Gypsy moth Symposium. A. E. Hajek, S. van Nouhuys, K. Haynes, P. Tobin.

June 2018 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology, Jyväskylä, Finland. “Metapopulation dynamics in a changing climate: Increasing spatial synchrony in weather conditions drives metapopulation synchrony of a butterfly inhabiting a fragmented landscape.” A. Kahilainen, S. van Nouhuys, T. Schulz, M. Saastamoinen

Oct. 2017 International Entomophagous Insects Conference, Kyoto Japan. “The consequences of increased fluctuation of host population size for a natural hyperparasitoid population with complementary sex determination. A. Nair, E. Nonaka, S. van Nouhuys

Sept. 2017 Finger lakse Finns association (popular audience), Ithaca NY Invited Speaker “Mapping butterflies” and “Why 1/3rd?”

Aug. 2017. European Society for Evolutionary Biology. “Diploid male production and population decline in a hyperparasitoid from a fragmented landscape” A. Nair, E. Nonaka, S. van Nouhuys

June 2017. Dynamic Walking conference, Åland, FI. Invited Speaker “Mapping butterflies” and “Why 1/3rd?” 

Jan. 2017. Oikos Finland conference, Helsinki.  “Decline in geographic genetic structure with increasing trophic level for interacting species in a fragmented landscape” A. Nair, E. Nonaka, S. van Nouhuys

Dec. 2016 Annual meeting of the British Ecological Society, Liverpool. “Decline in geographic genetic structure with increasing trophic level for interacting species in a fragmented landscape” S. van Nouhuys, C. Couchoux, A. Nair

October 2016. Finnish Molecular Ecology Symposium, Tvärminne. “Diploid male production and population decline in a hyperparasitoid from a fragmented landscape” A. Nair, E. Nonaka, S. van Nouhuys

Nov. 2015 Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Minneapolis, MN. “Wolbachia infection in a natural parasitoid wasp population” S. van Nouhuys & A. Duplouy

October 2015 International Entomophagous Insects Conference, Spain. “Hierarchical populations structures of an herbivore, its parasitoid and its hyperparasitoid”  S. van Nouhuys & A. Nair

May 2015 Invited Speaker Symposium on “Biodiversity in structured landscapes” Tartu, Estonia

Oct. 2014 Symposium on Molecular Ecology Turku, Fi. “Multi-trophic interactions and genetic structure of parasitoids and their host in a fragmented landscape” A. Nair, C. Couchoux, S. van Nouhuys.

August 2014 Invited Speaker 7th  Conference on the Biology of Butterflies. Turku, FI. “Variation in a host-parasitoid interaction across independent populations.” 

August 2014 Xth European Congress of Entomology. “The role of endosymbionts on a parasitoid wasp’s virulence against its butterfly host. A. Duplouy, D. Schneider, I. Hanski, S. van Nouhuys, W. Miller 

August 2014 Annual meeting of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology, Mainz, Germany. “Interactions among Fungal and Viral Pathogens and Parasitoids” A. E. Hajek and S. van Nouhuys

June 2014 Annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution. NC, USA. “Genetic structure of parasitoids in a fragmented landscape.”   A. Nair, C. Couchoux, S. van Nouhuys.

May 2014 Invited Speaker Symposium “Biodiversity – a race for life and death.”  Societas Pro Fauna et Flora Fennica / Nåtö Biological Station, FI

Dec. 2013 Invited Speaker Symposium on Hymenoptera behavioral ecology. “Foraging behavior and spatial autocorrelation of abundances in a butterfly, parasitoid, hyperparasitoid trophic chain.” Helsinki, FI

Nov. 2013 Invited Speaker Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America “What are ecologically meaningful concentrations of iridoids in plants, herbivores and parasitoids?”(I was also symposium co-organizer)

Jan. 2013 Cornell Entomology Dept. Symposium  Ithaca, New York “Why parasitize only a third of the available hosts?”

Nov. 2012 Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America “Why parasitize only a third of the available hosts?”

August 2012 14th International Behavioral Ecology Conference. “Why parasitize only a third of the available hosts?” Lund, Sweden

April 2012 Invited plenary speaker, VIII Argentine Congress of Entomology. “Multitrophic level interactions and population dynamics.” Bariloche, Argentina

June 2011 Second Entomophagous Insects Conference. “The roles of host and parasitoid densities for superparasitism and brood sex ratio,” Antibes, France

May 2010 Invited speaker Symposium on Trophic interactions in space and time.”Direct and indirect interactions in the Melitaea cinxia metacommunity,” Helsinki, FI

Dec 09 Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Geographic population structure of the specialist parasitoid Hyposoter horticola and its hyperparasitoid Mesochoru s sp. cf. Stigmaticu s in Finalnd. “M. Macone, S. van Nouhuys and R. Medina

Sept. 09 Conference on Behavioral Ecology of Parasitoids, Palermo Italy
1) “Parasitoid sex ratio and local mate competition at a landscape scale.” S. van Nouhuys
2) “Competition among foraging adult female parasitoid wasps.” C. Couchoux, S. van Nouhuys

Aug. 09 Invited speaker Symposium on multitrophic level interactions, Annual meeting of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology, Utah

Nov 08 Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America. “Complex pattern of indirect interaction between butterflies due to shared pupal parasitoids.” S. van Nouhuys & T. Kraft.

June 08 Invited speaker Symposium on- Genetic and Genomic Approaches for Parasitoid Behavioural Ecology, Scotland UK

Nov. 07 Congreso Argentino de Entomologia, Córdoba. AR. “Dispersión del parasitoide Ibalia leucospoides : un experimento de marcado y recaptura.” JM Villacide, S van Nouhuys, JC Corley

Oct. 07 Invited speaker Symposium on- Recent Advances in Butterfly Biology – from Genes to Communities, Helsinki. “Specialization by Cotesia parasitoids and their checkerspot butterfly hosts

Aug. 07 Invited speaker Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America. “Parasitoids of co-occurring checkerspot butterflies: Cryptic species groups and community structure.”

July 07 13th Symposium on Insect-Plant Relationships, Sweden. “Effects of iridoid glycosides on generalist and specialist herbivores and parasitoids.” A. Biere, J. H. Reudler-Talsma, S. van Nouhuys, J. A. Harvey.

July 07 5th conference on The Biology of Butterflies, Italy. “The diversity of ways that butterflies and their parasitoids coexist- a case study using Melitaea cinxia .” (I was a symposium organizer)

Nov. 06 Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America. “Host finding and monitoring by aparasitoid wasp.”

Sept. 06 Conferenece on Behavioural Ecology of Insect Parasitoids, France. “Keeping track of host locations by learning landmarks.”

Sept. 06 Conferenece on Behavioural Ecology of Insect Parasitoids, France. “Direct and indirect defence; compatible or conflicting plant stratagies?.” J. H. Reudler-Talsma, A. Biere, J. A. Harvey, S. van Nouhuys

Sept. 05 Congreso Argentino de Entomologia, San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina. “Respuesta olfatoria del parasitoide Hyposoter horticola (Ichneumonidae: Campoplaginae) hacia claves asociadas con su hospedador, Melitaea cinxia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae).” M. K. Castelo, S. van Nouhuys and J. Corley

Nov. 04 Invited speaker Workshop on Spatial ecology of insect-plant interactions, Helsinki, Finland. “Habitat fragmentation at different trophic levels- a literature review”

Aug. 04 Invited speaker International Congress of Entomology, Brisbane, Australia.
1) “butterfly metapopulation dynamics from the parasitoids perspective.” S. van Nouhuys
2) “Host-parasitoid dynamics in fragmented landscapes: patterns of dispersal and genetic variation.” I. Hanski, M. Kankare, and S. van Nouhuys

April 04 Invited speaker at a the workshop on multitrophic level interactions above and below ground, Lund, Sweden

Oct. 03 Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Cincinnati, Ohio. “Effects of iridoid glycosides on the development of herbivores and their endoparasitoids.” J. Harvey, A. Biere and S. van Nouhuys

July 03 XIII International Entomophagous Insect workshop in Tucson, Arizona. “Spatial learning (or something) allows a parasitoid to use a host that is available for an extremely short time”

March 03 Invited speaker at the Symposium on Habitat Fragmentation and Trophic Interactions in Wageningen, NL. “A host and two parasitoids that each experience the same habitat differently.”

Feb. 03 Invited speaker at the Symposium on Metapopulation Biology – Achievements and Challenges, University of Helsinki, Finland. “Mechanisms behind the population dynamics of the parasitoids of the Glanville fritillary butterfly.”

Dec. 00 Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Montreal, Quebec. “The affect of relative dispersal ability on the population dynamics of two parasitoids and their shared host.”

Sept.99 at the XII International Entomophagous Insect workshop in Asilimar, California. “Population dynamics of a parasitoid wasp: from individual to metapopulation”

Nov. 98 Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Las Vegas, Nevada. “Host diet affects extinctions and colonizations in a parasitoid metapopulation.” S. van Nouhuys & I. Hanski

Aug. 96 Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Providence, Rhode Island. “Parasitoid wasps that forage in wild and cultivated habitats: Genetic differentiation between populations, and the magnitude of natural selection on foraging behavior.”

June 96 Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution, St. Louis, Missouri. “Natural selection on aspects of foraging behavior of the parasitoid wasp Cotesia glomerata from wild and cultivated host plant habitats”

Dec.94 Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Dallas, Texas. “Between-population variation in individual foraging behavior of the parasitoid wasp Cotesia glomerata : Local adaptation?”

Dec.92 Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Baltimore, Maryland. “Searching behavior of individual parasitoid wasps in wild and cultivated host habitats.”

Dec. 89 Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, El Paso, Texas. “Predatory mite population dynamics: colonization and localized dispersal of Phytoseiids.” S. van Nouhuys & C. Pickel

June 2024 (planned). Third International Congress of Biological Control San José, Costa Rica. Invited speaker “Dynamic economic thresholds for insecticide applications against agricultural pests: Importance of pest and natural enemy migration” Tamar Keasar, Eric Wajnberg, George Heimpel, Ian C. W. Hardy, Liora Shaltiel Harpaz, Daphna Gottlieb, Saskya van Nouhuys

July 2023. International Conferences on the Biology of Butterflies, Prague Czech Republic, Invited speaker “The roles of parasitoids in butterfly communities.”

June 2023. conference on Mathematical Modelling of Biological Control Interaction to Support Agriculture and Conservation, Jerusalem, Israel

February 2023″ Introduction to Ecology” as part of a four day workshop titled Inclusive Ecology at the Centre for Ecological Sciences, IISc, Bangalore. The workshop introduced Indian students from under-represented groups to broad concepts and approaches in the fields of Ecology, Evolution, Behaviour, Conservation, and Quantitative Thinking, and to the practicalities of graduate school.

July 2022 International Congress of Entomology, Helsinki, FI. Invited Speaker “Host plant availability drives the spatio-temporal dynamics of interacting metapopulations across a fragmented landscape.” S. van Nouhuys and O. H. Opedal.

June 21st 2022 conference on Ecological Theory for Biological control and Conservation. IIAS, Jerusalem, Israel. Invited Speaker “Parasitoid-host population dynamics in natural vs agricultural systems”

June 1st 2022 Merav Ziv Symposium on Behavioral Ecology, Sede Boqer, Israel “Individual restraint by a parasitoid wasp foraging in a natural habitat isn’t influenced by resource competition”

Jan. 24th 2022 FIFTH BANGALORE SCHOOL ON POPULATION GENETICS AND EVOLUTION (HYBRID), Bangalore, India. Invited speaker. “Spatio-temporal dynamics of interacting species across a fragmented and changing landscape”
Video on youtube

October 2021 4th Symposium for Molecular Ecology and Evolution in Finland “Phylosymbiosis informs the importance of the microbiome in Lepidoptera.” C. Souza Beraldo, V. Lukhtanov, T. Tammaru, Z Faltýnek Fric, D. Avtziz, H. Schuler, S. Rytteri, C. Stefanescu, S. Bonelli, I. Piccini, Y. Chittaro, M. C. Singer, N. Wahlberg, S. van Nouhuys, A. Duplouy

Nov. 2018 Entomological Society of America, Vancouver, CA. “Fungal Entomopathogen Dominant Among Gypsy Moth Natural Enemies” in  Gypsy moth Symposium. A. E. Hajek, S. van Nouhuys, K. Haynes, P. Tobin.

June 2018 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology, Jyväskylä, Finland. “Metapopulation dynamics in a changing climate: Increasing spatial synchrony in weather conditions drives metapopulation synchrony of a butterfly inhabiting a fragmented landscape.” A. Kahilainen, S. van Nouhuys, T. Schulz, M. Saastamoinen

Oct. 2017 International Entomophagous Insects Conference, Kyoto Japan. “The consequences of increased fluctuation of host population size for a natural hyperparasitoid population with complementary sex determination. A. Nair, E. Nonaka, S. van Nouhuys

Sept. 2017 Finger lakse Finns association (popular audience), Ithaca NY Invited Speaker “Mapping butterflies” and “Why 1/3rd?”

Aug. 2017. European Society for Evolutionary Biology. “Diploid male production and population decline in a hyperparasitoid from a fragmented landscape” A. Nair, E. Nonaka, S. van Nouhuys

June 2017. Dynamic Walking conference, Åland, FI. Invited Speaker “Mapping butterflies” and “Why 1/3rd?” 

Jan. 2017. Oikos Finland conference, Helsinki.  “Decline in geographic genetic structure with increasing trophic level for interacting species in a fragmented landscape” A. Nair, E. Nonaka, S. van Nouhuys

Dec. 2016 Annual meeting of the British Ecological Society, Liverpool. “Decline in geographic genetic structure with increasing trophic level for interacting species in a fragmented landscape” S. van Nouhuys, C. Couchoux, A. Nair

October 2016. Finnish Molecular Ecology Symposium, Tvärminne. “Diploid male production and population decline in a hyperparasitoid from a fragmented landscape” A. Nair, E. Nonaka, S. van Nouhuys

Nov. 2015 Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Minneapolis, MN. “Wolbachia infection in a natural parasitoid wasp population” S. van Nouhuys & A. Duplouy

October 2015 International Entomophagous Insects Conference, Spain. “Hierarchical populations structures of an herbivore, its parasitoid and its hyperparasitoid”  S. van Nouhuys & A. Nair

May 2015 Invited Speaker Symposium on “Biodiversity in structured landscapes” Tartu, Estonia

Oct. 2014 Symposium on Molecular Ecology Turku, Fi. “Multi-trophic interactions and genetic structure of parasitoids and their host in a fragmented landscape” A. Nair, C. Couchoux, S. van Nouhuys.

August 2014 Invited Speaker 7th  Conference on the Biology of Butterflies. Turku, FI. “Variation in a host-parasitoid interaction across independent populations.” 

August 2014 Xth European Congress of Entomology. “The role of endosymbionts on a parasitoid wasp’s virulence against its butterfly host. A. Duplouy, D. Schneider, I. Hanski, S. van Nouhuys, W. Miller 

August 2014 Annual meeting of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology, Mainz, Germany. “Interactions among Fungal and Viral Pathogens and Parasitoids” A. E. Hajek and S. van Nouhuys

June 2014 Annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution. NC, USA. “Genetic structure of parasitoids in a fragmented landscape.”   A. Nair, C. Couchoux, S. van Nouhuys.

May 2014 Invited Speaker Symposium “Biodiversity – a race for life and death.”  Societas Pro Fauna et Flora Fennica / Nåtö Biological Station, FI

Dec. 2013 Invited Speaker Symposium on Hymenoptera behavioral ecology. “Foraging behavior and spatial autocorrelation of abundances in a butterfly, parasitoid, hyperparasitoid trophic chain.” Helsinki, FI

Nov. 2013 Invited Speaker Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America “What are ecologically meaningful concentrations of iridoids in plants, herbivores and parasitoids?”(I was also symposium co-organizer)

Jan. 2013 Cornell Entomology Dept. Symposium  Ithaca, New York “Why parasitize only a third of the available hosts?”

Nov. 2012 Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America “Why parasitize only a third of the available hosts?”

August 2012 14th International Behavioral Ecology Conference. “Why parasitize only a third of the available hosts?” Lund, Sweden

April 2012 Invited plenary speaker, VIII Argentine Congress of Entomology. “Multitrophic level interactions and population dynamics.” Bariloche, Argentina

June 2011 Second Entomophagous Insects Conference. “The roles of host and parasitoid densities for superparasitism and brood sex ratio,” Antibes, France

May 2010 Invited speaker Symposium on Trophic interactions in space and time.”Direct and indirect interactions in the Melitaea cinxia metacommunity,” Helsinki, FI

Dec 09 Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Geographic population structure of the specialist parasitoid Hyposoter horticola and its hyperparasitoid Mesochoru s sp. cf. Stigmaticu s in Finalnd. “M. Macone, S. van Nouhuys and R. Medina

Sept. 09 Conference on Behavioral Ecology of Parasitoids, Palermo Italy
1) “Parasitoid sex ratio and local mate competition at a landscape scale.” S. van Nouhuys
2) “Competition among foraging adult female parasitoid wasps.” C. Couchoux, S. van Nouhuys

Aug. 09 Invited speaker Symposium on multitrophic level interactions, Annual meeting of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology, Utah

Nov 08 Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America. “Complex pattern of indirect interaction between butterflies due to shared pupal parasitoids.” S. van Nouhuys & T. Kraft.

June 08 Invited speaker Symposium on- Genetic and Genomic Approaches for Parasitoid Behavioural Ecology, Scotland UK

Nov. 07 Congreso Argentino de Entomologia, Córdoba. AR. “Dispersión del parasitoide Ibalia leucospoides : un experimento de marcado y recaptura.” JM Villacide, S van Nouhuys, JC Corley

Oct. 07 Invited speaker Symposium on- Recent Advances in Butterfly Biology – from Genes to Communities, Helsinki. “Specialization by Cotesia parasitoids and their checkerspot butterfly hosts

Aug. 07 Invited speaker Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America. “Parasitoids of co-occurring checkerspot butterflies: Cryptic species groups and community structure.”

July 07 13th Symposium on Insect-Plant Relationships, Sweden. “Effects of iridoid glycosides on generalist and specialist herbivores and parasitoids.” A. Biere, J. H. Reudler-Talsma, S. van Nouhuys, J. A. Harvey.

July 07 5th conference on The Biology of Butterflies, Italy. “The diversity of ways that butterflies and their parasitoids coexist- a case study using Melitaea cinxia .” (I was a symposium organizer)

Nov. 06 Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America. “Host finding and monitoring by aparasitoid wasp.”

Sept. 06 Conferenece on Behavioural Ecology of Insect Parasitoids, France. “Keeping track of host locations by learning landmarks.”

Sept. 06 Conferenece on Behavioural Ecology of Insect Parasitoids, France. “Direct and indirect defence; compatible or conflicting plant stratagies?.” J. H. Reudler-Talsma, A. Biere, J. A. Harvey, S. van Nouhuys

Sept. 05 Congreso Argentino de Entomologia, San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina. “Respuesta olfatoria del parasitoide Hyposoter horticola (Ichneumonidae: Campoplaginae) hacia claves asociadas con su hospedador, Melitaea cinxia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae).” M. K. Castelo, S. van Nouhuys and J. Corley

Nov. 04 Invited speaker Workshop on Spatial ecology of insect-plant interactions, Helsinki, Finland. “Habitat fragmentation at different trophic levels- a literature review”

Aug. 04 Invited speaker International Congress of Entomology, Brisbane, Australia.
1) “butterfly metapopulation dynamics from the parasitoids perspective.” S. van Nouhuys
2) “Host-parasitoid dynamics in fragmented landscapes: patterns of dispersal and genetic variation.” I. Hanski, M. Kankare, and S. van Nouhuys

April 04 Invited speaker at a the workshop on multitrophic level interactions above and below ground, Lund, Sweden

Oct. 03 Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Cincinnati, Ohio. “Effects of iridoid glycosides on the development of herbivores and their endoparasitoids.” J. Harvey, A. Biere and S. van Nouhuys

July 03 XIII International Entomophagous Insect workshop in Tucson, Arizona. “Spatial learning (or something) allows a parasitoid to use a host that is available for an extremely short time”

March 03 Invited speaker at the Symposium on Habitat Fragmentation and Trophic Interactions in Wageningen, NL. “A host and two parasitoids that each experience the same habitat differently.”

Feb. 03 Invited speaker at the Symposium on Metapopulation Biology – Achievements and Challenges, University of Helsinki, Finland. “Mechanisms behind the population dynamics of the parasitoids of the Glanville fritillary butterfly.”

Dec. 00 Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Montreal, Quebec. “The affect of relative dispersal ability on the population dynamics of two parasitoids and their shared host.”

Sept.99 at the XII International Entomophagous Insect workshop in Asilimar, California. “Population dynamics of a parasitoid wasp: from individual to metapopulation”

Nov. 98 Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Las Vegas, Nevada. “Host diet affects extinctions and colonizations in a parasitoid metapopulation.” S. van Nouhuys & I. Hanski

Aug. 96 Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Providence, Rhode Island. “Parasitoid wasps that forage in wild and cultivated habitats: Genetic differentiation between populations, and the magnitude of natural selection on foraging behavior.”

June 96 Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution, St. Louis, Missouri. “Natural selection on aspects of foraging behavior of the parasitoid wasp Cotesia glomerata from wild and cultivated host plant habitats”

Dec.94 Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Dallas, Texas. “Between-population variation in individual foraging behavior of the parasitoid wasp Cotesia glomerata : Local adaptation?”

Dec.92 Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Baltimore, Maryland. “Searching behavior of individual parasitoid wasps in wild and cultivated host habitats.”

Dec. 89 Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, El Paso, Texas. “Predatory mite population dynamics: colonization and localized dispersal of Phytoseiids.” S. van Nouhuys & C. Pickel

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